Brewing 2025

Brewing Competition
The Libation Colosseum:
O Muse, O Atlantia, hear and attend the revels of Saturnalia!
Of the feast of Sigillaria, where flows sweet mustum, the wine and honey of celebration
Where the Braciatrix Regia, seeking the inspiration of brewers of Atlantia
Sets this challenge to her fellows:
Bring forth your sweetened, your spiced, your scented libations
Beyond fair mustum, serve her forth your offerings
Of wine and sweetness and herb and spice and flower
To entrance the palate and sweeten the celebration
And perhaps to win the favor of the Brewster herself
The Royal Brewster Lady Eva Nethyrwode sets this challenge to the brewers of Atlantia: Bring your take on a flavored mustum, the honey-wine mixture served at Saturnalia, which was often flavored with spices, herbs, flowers, and other aromatic ingredients. De Re Culinaria by Apicius is a good place to start for inspiration, but feel the Muse while crafting your offering. The Brewster and her circle of judges from among the brewers of Atlantia will enjoy aperitifs ahead of Evening Court and award the Brewster’s favor to their favorite libation.
Please bring documentation that at least meets EZ Documentation standards, and a comprehensive list of all ingredients. As vinegar is a form of wine, nonalcoholic entries in the form of an oxymeli or sekanjabin are not only valid, but encouraged.

Brewing Roundtable
The Royal Brewster invites the brewers of Atlantia to a Brewers’ Roundtable to discuss the art and science of brewing. She invites anyone interested in the brewing arts to share or request information and inspiration. While Lady Eva’s personal brewing interests are in ciders, mead brews, and English ales from the 13th-15th centuries, the kingdom is home to a pantheon of brewing experts who she hopes will be able to join in the discussion. As this is a wet site, tasting and critiquing will be possible.